
Hi I’m Angie. The artist and maker behind Created to Heal.

Created to Heal was started in 2021 from an ongoing personal journey of learning the power art has in healing the mind, body and soul.

Art can be an outlet and escape from both the darkest and lightest of days and provides a source of healing for anyone. Whether creating or simply observing, there is space to move forward and grow through art. You don't have to be the best and it's okay if you cannot draw a straight line, creating is healing and healing is growth. 

Each item made is crafted by hand start to finish. From drawing designs on an iPad, printing and cutting everything in the home studio and assembling, not a single step goes without intention or meaning behind it. 

Striving to incorporate both fun and encouraging messages in every product made, the hope is that though designs and products, they can not only help make a person’s life a little easier but also a little brighter.